Bars Chocolate

Rolo Brownies

This recipe is based on the Knock You Naked Brownie from a previous post.  These are so moist and delicious.  I used Pillsbury’s Dark Chocolate cake mix (I know I know but sometimes the mix is easier when producing large amounts of brownies) and needed 2 bags of Rolos to completely cover the pan.  Or just buy 1 bag and nearly cover the pan.  Just wanted to let you know that 1 bag for me didn’t completely cover it – so don’t sneak any 😉

Rolo Brownies
yield 12-16 servings

1 box dark chocolate cake mix
1/3 cup evaporated milk
1/2 cup butter, melted
40-50 Rolos, unwrapped

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray a pan 8×8 or line with Nonstick foil.
2.  In large bowl, mix the cake mix, milk and butter together until well combined.
3.  Take half of the mixture and place it in the pan.  Bake this half for 8 minutes.  Cool 10 minutes.
4.  Place the rolos carefully onto the brownies very close together.
5.  Take the remaining dough and flatten it in your hand in sections.  Place on the Rolos in sections trying to cover all of the Rolo layer.
6.  Bake 20 minutes.  Cool completely.


  1. Made these tonight, but mine didn’t turn out like yours. They are very tall and look like a cake. The edges are taller and the middle looks sunken. I’m going to try again with a Pillsbury mix tomorrow, but I’m nervous about the results. Would a brownie mix work better?

    1. Which brand of dark chocolate cake did you use? I am not sure. This is based on the “Knock You Naked” brownie recipe also on my site. I’ve made that one about 6 times b/c it is popular and Christmas and made this one twice and my neighbor made these once.
      I’m sure with the rolos in the middle the “cake” still tastes yummy! But I know what you mean – you want them to be like brownies. I can’t recall which brand I used, but that could be. Or over mixing. Pay particular attention to the oven temperature, ingredient temperature and stir the ingredients until just combined.
      I have never tried this with a brownie mix. 🙁 I’m not sure if the rolos would fall through the batter since brownie mixes are less dense. The evaporated milk and butter make this dark chocolate cake batter very thick. I hope it works out for you the second time! They really are divine. Pillsbury puts pudding with their cake mixes which I haven’t tested with this recipe. Just a heads up.

  2. I used a Duncan Hines cake the first time. It actually turned out to be very good. I just cut the tall edges off (and ate them, of course!) and the rest was perfect! It needed to rest over-night, I think.

    I did, however, make a second batch with pillsbury dark chocolate brownie mix. I just mixed the brownies as directed, baked half for 10 minutes (It was still a little runny in the middle), added the rolos (less this time, as I made a 9X13 pan and spread the rolos a little more sporadically so they would be more like a “Rolo surprise”), added the second half of the mix, and baked until it was done. Both versions were a big hit – but I like yours better! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

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