Blueberry Cherry Pie

Cherry Blueberry Pie

This pie is awesome!!!  It is better than cherry pie… well when you want to do it fast.   There are wonderful, made from scratch and self-pitted cherry pies that I am sure top this one.  But I want pie and and I want it roughly soon since I now have two children who can climb the stairs and find even the tiniest speck on the floor.

Here is the recipe for the yummiest cherry pie (fast version) I have ever tasted.  I cannot see how it could be messed up – just a few simple ingredients you may even have in your pantry.

Cherry Blueberry Pie
yields 8 servings

1 – 15 oz. package of refridgerated pie crust (I’ve tried several and Pillsbury seems to always taste better than generic in this case)
1/2 cup sugar (Splenda works too)
2 Tbs. cornstarch
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 – 21 oz. can cherry pie filling
1  1/2 cups frozen blueberries

1.  Preheat oven 425 degrees.  Prep your pie crust by laying one into your 9″ pie pan.
2.  In large bowl, mix together the sugar, cornstarch and cinnamon.  Add pie filling and frozen blueberries.  Mix together.
3.  Pour mixture into pie plate and top with the second pie crust.  Vent crust with a knife or before placing it on the pie, cut out pretty shapes with little cookie cutters. (It is up to you, but I always use a pie shield.  They are $5 at Bed Bath and Beyond and work great.  You can also use  foil to cover the crust.)  You can also brush an egg white wash on top at this point and sprinkle with some sugar.
4.  Put pie plate on a cookie sheet for insurance against dripping.  Bake 40-45 minutes.  **  Check after 25-30 minutes if you are not covering the entire top like my Pi Pie here.  The lack of crust on top makes it brown faster.
5.  Cool 2 hours to set.  This part is really hard but I found totally necessary.

Come join the fun at the My Baking Addiction and GoodLife Eats Holiday Recipe Swap sponsored by Breville

“I’m partying at the Pi Day Pie Party at Crazy for Crust today. Come party with us!”


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