Meal Planning

Meal Plan and Home Organizers

Soooo… I’m back on the meal planning and organizing my chores thing.  I waver on this especially since my life was consumed by “South Pacific” for 2 months.
I used to plan each day of the week, but sometimes it doesn’t work out.  First, you want to use up a piece of produce that might be going bad.  Second, you feel like eating something else instead.  Or third, you don’t have time to make that item, but you do have time for another.  That is why each category is listed and not the dates.  Since I get my produce box on Tuesdays and the grocery store ad on Mondays, I do most of the planning on Wednesday by default.

I found quite a few home check lists through Money Saving Mom.  She has a 4 weeks to a More Organized Home list.  There  are several meal planners.  There is also a chore checklist that is pretty generic enough to work for me.

Here is my Freezer Meal Planner that I created to help plan and fix freezer meals or snacks.

Weekly Menu Planner

Individual Baked Oatmeal (from freezer)
Whole Wheat Pancakes
Pancakes – microwave from frozen
Whole Wheat English Muffin with Scrambled Egg
Baked Apple French Toast

Apple butter whole wheat sandwich, fruit, plain yogurt with honey
Greek  Yogurt, fruit and granola
Peanut butter whole wheat sandwich, fruit, celery
Whole grain chicken nuggets, fruit
Chick Fil A

Lemon Blueberry Muffins
Triscuits with cheddar cheese
Trader Joe’s Fruit Bars
Fruit Smoothie
Apple dipped in Greek yogurt

Baked Beef Ravioli, broccoli steamed, salad
Pork Tenderloin, roasted broccoli and russet potatoes
Homemade Pizza, broccoli steamed, fruit salad
Potato Gallette, Marinated chicken, green beans
O’Charleys- kids eat free


    1. You need to treat him like my kids – eat it or starve! LOL Kidding!!!!! 🙂
      We have to have a balance too between eating late. It is really hard when hubby gets home late especially when he says he is going to be home on time and then doesn’t arrive for 4 more hours.

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