Oh goodness it has been forever since I posted a craft. I have several and just never got around to posting them. Here is something that caught my eye in Parents magazine (that magazine says some weird things sometimes, but they do have good Gymboree coupons!). It was pretty straightforward. Since the holes can’t be seen – I would think that an older child could do this. I don’t think my 5 year old could without getting very frustrated.
Apple Cozy
9″ plate or 9″ circle or pen to draw one
1 piece of red felt
1 piece of green felt
small scissors
10″ of elastic cord
needle and green thread
1/16″ hole punch (optional)
1. Cut a 9″ circle out of the red felt.
2. Every 1/2″, punch a small hole 1/2 ” away from the edge of the circle. You will punch about 50 holes. I used my small pair of scissors instead for this and made little snips. It worked well 90% of the time. The rest I had to resnip – no biggie.
3. Cut a green leaf out of the green felt. Then take your green thread and sew it down the middle of the leaf. I used a backstitch.
4. Sew the leaf to the edge of the red circle.
5. Take your cord and thread it in and out of the holes around the red circle. Make sure to hold onto the starting end – use a safety pin or your fingers to hold it tight.
6. Once you have snaked through the holes around the red circle, tie a knot on the inside of the “apple”. I used a real apple to gauge this and tightened it about 1″ and cut off the extra.
7. Now your apple won’t get bruised!
that is just cute!