Book Update: I just finished reading “The First 20 Minutes: Surprising Science Reveals How We Can Exercise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longer” by Gretchen Reynolds. If you have received up to date workout videos or training, then some of the information is not completely new. However, much of the information shed light on what is going on biologically.
One, the first 20 minutes of any workout are important given the fact that premature death is reduced by 20%. After 20 minutes, the gains (in regards to premature death) are minimal.
Two, men who are sedentary for 5+ hours per day (watching TV, driving, etc.) and workout still saw the same premature death rates as men who didn’t workout. Apparently, working out in short intervals did not make up for the fact that the men were sedentary for so much of the day.
Three, mice that were designed to have a short lifespan died right on schedule over and over again…. unless they exercised. The mice that exercised had huge anti-aging benefits.
Four, old school stretching is out. Dynamic stretching is in. The stuff we did in school like touching our toes in our “warm up”? Not good! And yes, you need to warm up.
Five, exercise is useless for weight loss. This totally makes sense to anyone who passed 2nd grade math. Burn 200 calories exercising… you get hungry and eat an extra cookie. Boom, the 200 calorie burn is gone. However! It helps a LOT when trying to maintain that weight loss! This explains why I haven’t gained any weight in two years since I lost 70 pounds.
Six, effects of exercise on the brain were crazy. We used to be told that we were born with all the brain cells we will ever have and never make anymore…. But, this simply isn’t true. People do make more brain cells and those that exercise produce brain cells that even help is stress reduction and anger management.
Seven, I have read many times to drink water constantly. You see photos of weird water bottles all over Pinterest in order to keep you “hydrated”. But this is simply another myth. You get thirsty – you drink. Your body knows what it needs and doesn’t need to be super-hydrated. Interestingly enough, no one has ever died in a marathon from dehydration. But, one woman did die of too much water – called hyponatremia.
Eight, to determine how strong you are, try the simply push up test. And, we mean full body (not on your knees) push ups. Your average 40 year old man should be able to do 27 push ups and a woman should be able to do 16 of them. You add 10 push-ups to every 10 years before age 40 and take away 5 push ups every 10 years over age 40.
Nine, you can’t do much of anything about DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Massages and ice baths don’t work!
Ten, sedentary people on an Atkins diet did lose weight – but none of it around their midsections. Their risk for heart disease actually went up despite losing weight. However, when they started exercising, the Atkins dieters had the same healthy blood flow as the American Heart Association diet group. They also lost weight around their midsection.
Eleven, to increase fat burning, exercise before you eat in the morning. Since you have been “fasting” at night, your body has no quick carbs to burn. Now, it might not help “lose” weight necessarily, but will help maintain weight.
Twelve, there is no “afterburn” in regards to calories when most of us workout. I was sad to read this. To get increase your metabolism: long and hard workouts are the way to go. Simply walking will simply burn the calories it uses up – nothing more.
Thirteen, weight training may be more effective against diabetes than endurance.
Fourteen, chocolate milk is the BEST post-workout drink.
Fifteen, when doing a study with cyclists, the scientists were able to push them just by making them think they can work harder and go farther. It’s all in your head! I’ve heard this before including from my marathon neighbor. She’s right!
Interesting stuff!
Recipe Update: My friend Mary and I held a “granola bar” making playdate! We made the trail mix granola bars that are really popular with kids and these granola bars as well. I have friends adapt the trail mix bars to use dark chocolate and almonds among other variations with great results! As long as you keep your liquid to dry ratio the same, then the end product will work out. In other words, as long as 1/2 cup of almonds are replaced with 1/2 cup of walnuts, then it works out great.
Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bars
makes 12 thick bars; 24 thinner bars
2 cups rolled oats
3/4 cup brown sugar (I may try only 1/2 cup next time)
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
3/4 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup white whole wheat flour (or substitute AP flour)
3/4 cup raisins
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup honey
1 egg
1/2 cup applesauce (or substitute canola/vegetable/grapeseed oil)
2 tsp. vanilla
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. I used 2 – loaf pans (9×5) that gave us thick bars as in the photo or you can use a 9×13 pan to give you thinner bars. Spray with baker’s joy, cooking spray or grease.
3. In a great big bowl, mix your dry stuff: oats, brown sugar, ground flaxseed, cinnnamon, flour, raisins and salt.
4. Now add the wet stuff to the middle of the dry stuff: honey, egg, applesauce and vanilla.
5. Stir that all up until it is thoroughly combined.
6. Dump the granola bar mixture into the pan (s) and pat down.
7. Bake the 9×13 pan for 30-35 minutes. Bake the 9×5 loaf pans for about 35-40 minutes. At 30 minutes, the loaf pans were not quite done all the way in the middle even though the toothpick came out clean.
8. Cut these up into bars after they have rest a few minutes. Then, cool completely. Then – EAT!
Recipe adapted from