Appetizer cheese

Baked Mozzarella Sticks

Baked Mozzerella Sticks

Book Update:  I finally finished all of “How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.  It is really a must read for parents and teachers.  Magazines have been referring to it for 20 years.  The Boston Globe calls it, “The Parenting Bible.”

Recipe Update: I just realized I have made these a ton of times and never posted them!  I found this photo in my old folder from a year ago.  This version isn’t deep fried at all, but still tastes like the comfort food we know and love as mozz sticks.  Both children and parents approved these!

Baked Mozzarella Sticks

12 mozzarella string cheese sticks (full fat or part skim; Sargento sticks together well)
1 egg, beaten
2 Tb. flour
5 Tb. Italian seasoned breadcrumbs*
5 Tb. panko crumbs
2 tsp. Parmesan cheese
1 Tb. dried parsley

*I rarely keep Italian seasoned breadcrumbs on hand.   Instead, I just threw some toast in the toaster until medium to dark brown.  Throw it into the food processor with some Italian seasoning and you have instant breadcrumbs!

1.  Prepare your cookie sheet with foil to keep the cheese from sticking.  Using a sharp paring knife, divide each stick in half.  This will give you 24 mozzarella sticks.  Throw them onto the cookie sheet and pop into the freezer for 15-30 minutes or until frozen.

2.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  You will need to prep three bowls:  Bowl #1 – add your beaten egg.  Bowl #2 – add your flour.  Bowl #3 – Add your Italian breadcrumbs, panko crumbs, Parmesan cheese and parsley.

3.  Now, to keep my hands from going crazy with egg and flour, I try to use the same hand for the dry ingredients and same hand for the liquid (egg) ingredients.  First, Dip your stick in the flour.  Second, dip the stick in the egg.  Last, dip your stick in the breadcrumbs and pat them on.  Put those sticks onto the cookie sheet you have already covered in foil that you had in the freezer.

4.  Bake them for 4-5 minutes.  Turn.  Bake another 4-5 minutes.  Serve with some marinara sauce and enjoy!

Recipe from Skinny Taste


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