Main Dish Meat

Applebee’s Bourbon Street Steak Copycat Recipe

Bourbon Street Steak

Book Update: I finally finished most of “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers.”  It was probably one of the most technical “science” book I have read in 10 years, but it was worth it.  I know more about glucocorticoids than I ever thought possible… since I never even heard of them before.  If you want to know anything about stress, psychology and physiology and managing stress, then this might be the book for you.  Make sure to read the footnotes – they have some of the funniest parts.

I would write more… but my spacebar is not working right.  Makes it a little hard to type.  If only I was married to someone who worked on computers…  😉

Recipe Update:  This is one of those recipes I have made 10 or more times over the past 5 years and just realized I never posted it.    Applebee’s Bourbon Street Steak is one of my favorite meals there.  It’s fun to be able to make this for when people come over or have a nice family dinner that cost $6 instead of $40.  (Well, because Sirloin steak was on sale this week for $3.99/lb!)  You could also use this marinade for chicken or for making kebabs.

Applebee’s Bourbon Street Steak
2 large servings

Marinade for 2 (10 oz.) top sirloin steaks:
2 Tb. Worchestershire sauce
2 Tb. soy sauce
4 tsp. chili powder
4 tsp. minced garlic
1 and 1/2 tsp. meat tenderizer (McCormick makes it.  Or substitute with salt)
2 tsp. paprika
2 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. cayenne
1 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. oregano
1-2 cups water

Serve with:
3 Tb. butter, melted
1/8 tsp. garlic powder
pinch salt

1 Tb. olive oil
1 Tb. butter
2 onions, sliced thin
2 cups white mushrooms, sliced
1/8 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1-2 cups water

1.  Combine the marinade ingredients in a bag.  Store in the fridge for 2-24 hours.  The longer the better of course.  But, you still get good flavor if you are short on time.
2.  Discard the marinade and grill your steaks.  I always salt and pepper mine before putting them on the grill as well. To Grill a steak:  preheat your grill on high 15 minutes.  Clean the grill if needed.  Keep one burner on high and the other on medium-low.    Grill 3-5 minutes on the high burner.  Flip.  Grill 3-5 minutes on high.  Move to the cooler side of the grill and cook until desired doneness.   Rest the meat 5-10 minutes.
3.  Meanwhile, get a small saucepan or skillet and melt the 3T of butter and garlic powder and salt on low.  Keep warm.
4.  In a large skillet, make the onions and mushrooms.  Heat the oil and butter on medium heat.  Add your onions and cook 2-3 minutes.  Add the mushrooms, salt and pepper.  Cook another 2-3 minutes.
5.  Plate your steaks after they have rested.  Pour a little garlic butter on top and serve the onions on the side.

Recipe from Todd Wilbur’s Top Secret Recipes


  1. #1.. I just had this steak at Applebees and the first thing I did when I got home was try to find the recipe.. The reason: The restaurant steak was SOOOO salty. I’m going to try this recipe next time I grill sirloin.
    #2.. Where’s the bourbon? Oh, It’s Bourbon street.

  2. Wonderful! I love Applebee’s Bourbon Street Steak and this tastes just like it. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

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