Appetizer Bacon

Bacon Wrapped Crackers

Bacon Wrapped Crackers_1 on Whisk Together


**Recipe Update 12/2/14**  After a thorough study of these addictive things, I have found a few ways to make them good and bad.  One, use a thin cut bacon.  The thick cut gets mushy instead of crispy and turns the appetizer to mush.  Two, use center cut bacon if possible.  Again, the excess fat around the crackers turns the appetizer to mush.  The center cut did the best!

SUPER DUPER easy awesome kids could do it tasty treats!!!

The ultimate food in sweet-salt appetizers.  These are so stinking easy to put together.  I don’t even prep them except for cutting the bacon in half!

I know… they aren’t paleo, or low carb, or low sugar, or whatever.  But, they do have protein! 🙂  So, that makes it a health food, right?  Just like when people blog about how their recipe is SOOOOO awesome when it contains two WHOLE cups of sugar, 3 pounds of butter and some other stuff.  Of course it tastes AMAZING!  The whole thing is loaded with fat and sugar!  Two of the three things our bodies love to crave.  But anyway.  I digress.  I can hear my 11th grade English teacher now in the background shouting, “Digression!”


Speaking of digression, wouldn’t it be awesome to write a novel just the way it is?  Start out with “Hello.  This is the introduction.  I am going to set the scene for you using time and place to inform you the setting of this story.  Next, we will introduce the main character.  The main character named Protagonist will have a want.  Protagonist will have a large want and a few small wants perhaps.  Later on in the story, the enemy Antagonist will be the obstacle or set up the obstacle.  Naturally, Protagonist will have to use tactics to overcome the external obstacle that Antagonist has put up.  All of this will get rather tedious and boring without Urgency.  Urgency will drive the pressure and create a timeframe by which Protagonist must obtain his want.  But wait!  There’s more!  Any good writer will include an internal obstacle and an alternate internal “want” that the Protagonist must obtain in the end.  Without this internal want, destroying the Death Star becomes rather boring.  But, become a cool Jedi knight that discovers the force and his own inner strength becomes quite meaningful.  So now we have characters + want + obstacle + tactics + urgency = DRAMA!   Oh, and don’t forget your setting!

Bacon Wrapped Crackers_2 on Whisk Together

Recipe:  Back to the recipe… just make these alright?  You’ll thank me later.  We munched on these and made them in batches throughout the day on Thanksgiving.  It was awesome.  The turkey roasted while these bacon wrapped babies sat in the small convection oven on the counter top.  The down side (or I see as an upside) is that these can take 1-2 hours in the oven depending on how hot you set the oven.  But this is cool!  I just make them about a half hour before the guests are supposed to arrive and then plate them nice and hot as they arrive.

Bacon Wrapped Crackers


  • 12 ounce package bacon (I like center cut)
  • 1 sleeve of Club crackers
  • 1 tsp. brown sugar per cracker


  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees or 300 degrees. 250 degrees will cook them in 1 hour to 1 and 1/2 hours. 300 degrees will cook them in 30-45 minutes.
  2. Put foil down on your jelly roll pan or drip pan. Then, place a wire rack or broiling tray on top. I learned the hard way to make sure you include the foil on the bottom.
  3. Cut the bacon in half - not length wise. I do this with my kitchen scissors.
  4. Place club cracker down. Place a teaspoon of brown sugar in the middle. Then, wrap the bacon around the cracker and sugar. Place the appetizer with the seam side down.
  5. Repeat and bake at 250 for 60-90 minutes. Bake at 300 for 30-45 minutes. The bacon will be cooked through and browned when finished.
  6. Allow to cool 5 minutes and serve. They tastes MUCH better if you wait 5 minutes.
  7. Recipe adapted from Food Network

Bacon Wrapped Crackers
serves 12

12 ounce package bacon (I like center cut  You want to use center cut!  This is a must for crispy!)
1 sleeve of Club crackers
1 tsp. brown sugar per cracker

1.  Preheat oven to 250 degrees or 300 degrees.  250 degrees will cook them in 1 hour to 1 and 1/2 hours.  300 degrees will cook them in 30-45 minutes.
2.  Put foil down on your jelly roll pan or drip pan.  Then, place a wire rack or broiling tray on top.  I learned the hard way to make sure you include the foil on the bottom.
3.  Cut the bacon in half – not length wise.  I do this with my kitchen scissors.
4.  Place club cracker down.  Place a teaspoon of brown sugar in the middle.  Then, wrap the bacon around the cracker and sugar.  Place the appetizer with the seam side down.
5.  Repeat and bake at 250 for 60-90 minutes.  Bake at 300 for 30-45 minutes.  The bacon will be cooked through and browned when finished.
6.  Allow to cool 5 minutes and serve.  They tastes MUCH better if you wait 5 minutes.

Recipe adapted from Food Network

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