
Watercolor Coasters


Happy Summer!!!!  Time to stop and enjoy my kids for the summer.  To celebrate the end of the year, we have an ice cream party for the kids and a craft party for the adults.  Tryazon awarded me with these beautiful and functional craft Deflecto organizers that you can find at Amazon and  Michaels.  The marker caddy and the caddy on wheels have to be my favorite of the group.

Here is how to make your own watercolor coasters!  This is a GREAT project for kids and adults alike – you can use your creativity, it is cheap to make and if you mess up that is okay, and it is functional!!

The items you will need are:

-4×4 tiles (the hardware store carries these.  Lowes had them for 16 cents)
-permanent markers (Sharpie is recommended.  I tried Artmind from Michaels and the colors change after adding the rubbing alcohol)
-rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol (in the pharmacy section)
-backing for the coasters:  I love these self-adhesive cork stickers, but you can also use felt pads for furniture or sticky bumper
-eye dropper or pipette
-Clear Coat spray like Rust-o-leum Clear Coat


  1.  You can do all watercolor, you can do a mixture of Sharpie and watercolor effect like in the upper right flower below.2.  Color large patches of the tile with marker.  The patches do not need to be touching.

    3.  Use an eye dropper or pipette to drop rubbing alcohol onto the marker.  Watch it blend and dissolve the marker.  If you like a really blended look, you want more alcohol and if you want a mixed look then use less.  You can always add more rubbing alcohol, so stop and look first.

4.  Let dry for 12-24 hours.  I let it dry overnight.

5.  Lightly spray the coaster.  Allow to dry per the can instructions.  Usually it will be dry in 30 minutes.  I will touch it then, but I won’t use it for 24 hours to allow it to fully dry.

Voila!  You have a fun and functional coaster!

If you want to just have a drawing, then you can make something like this and not use the rubbing alcohol on your tile:

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