Showing 18 Result(s)
Breakfast Egg Meat

Sausage Egg Muffins

Hope everyone had a GREAT Halloween!  Ours was a little chilly…. like 37 degrees and hands freezing chilly.  But the kids got their loot before 8pm, so they were all happy.   Recipe:  All buggers aside, this recipe is SUPER yummy, SUPER easy, SUPER healthy and Freezer Friendly.  How can you go wrong?  I make …

Breakfast Egg

Spinach Egg Casserole

  Fast, fresh and easy Spinach Egg Casserole.  You don’t need to huge a loaf of carbs, I mean bread, for this casserole dish like many others.  It only requires a handful of ingredients to throw into the skillet.  Use a casserole dish, muffin pan, mini muffin pan, bar pan or whatever shape you want …

Egg Salad

Spinach Salad with Warm Bacon Dressing

Book Update:  This week in Positive Psychology is about religion and spirituality.  If you go to church, you increase your life expectancy by 7 years.  There are 6 types of prayers that were identified:  adoration, thanksgiving, petitionary/supplication, confession, reception and obligatory.  Interestingly, college students today that were studied have 40% less empathy than college students from 20-30 …

Breakfast Egg

Eggs in 60 Seconds

My husband got these egg rings for making egg sandwiches years ago.  Nobody uses them because they take a long time to cook and stick terribly to the ring.  But…. here is the 1 minute sandwich.  No rings, no special equipment.  I have used this for the past 6 months and here is my method. …

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