Perfect (at home) Pedicure

Perfect (at home!) Pedicure at Whisk Together

This is a little off-topic… maybe considered “a craft”???  But hey, it took me nearly 20 years to figure this out and therefore I figure I better share it with everybody!  During the winter, my feet get well… dry… flaky, cracked… really not pretty.  After going through many products over the years, I finally found the ones that worked and how to use them.  They are not expensive and really, cost less than one pedicure anyway!

Step One:

Buy a microplane foot rasp and use it on the dry skin.  Do this over the bathtub!  Or you will have dead skin all over your floor.  Here is the one I bought and works great.  The reviews agree!

(photo from Amazon)

Step Two:

Soak your feet in warm, soapy water.  Do this in a chair, or I just take a longer shower.  Soak for about 5 minutes or longer.

Step Three:

Use a pumice stone to soften your feet.  Rub and rub.  I haven’t found one that doesn’t work… but the pumice stones with handles on them seem easier to use.  Bath and Body Works carry them as well as regular stores.

(photo from Amazon)

Step Four:

Pat dry your feet and slather on petroleum jelly all over.  I have tried many different lotions, but they just don’t seem to work well on feet.  I do love the scent of Bath and Body Works Foot Cream – Shea Isn’t So.  Put on your cotton socks and you’re ready to roll!

(Photo from Amazon)

 Super Rich Foot Cream Spa Size - Shea It isn't So - True Blue® Spa - Bath & Body Works

(photo from Bath and Body Works)

Step Five:  The next day after your feet have soaked in that jelly, push back any cuticles, trim your toenails evenly, file them and paint them if you wish.  It’s winter right now here, so I feel this is optional.  It was 60 degrees today, so perhaps sandal weather is almost here!

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