
A Tale of Two Punches

Strawberry Limeade Cooler_1 on Whisk Together

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” as Charles Dickens opens “A Tale of Two Cities” back in 1859.  One of my friends posted on her blog about how she came to accept, “I am enough.”  An outstanding example presented was that of a beautiful, juicy, delicious peach.  Was the peach totally awesome?  Yes.  Then, someone came by that didn’t quite like peaches.  That hurt the peach’s feelings naturally.  Does it make the peach any less delicious, beautiful and juicy?  Nope!  Does it make the peach any less lovable?  Nope!  Rejection can be one of the worst of times.  But one of the best of times can be realizing that “I am enough.”

Strawberry Limeade Cooler - I am enough

Strawberry Limeade Cooler
yield 2 and 1/2 liters

1 – 12 oz. frozen pineapple concentrate, thaw
1- 6 oz. frozen limeade concentrate, thaw
1 liter of club soda (or 7UP, or diet 7UP, or sparkling lime water)
4 cups of water
3-4 strawberries, sliced

1.  Mix everything in a large pitcher.  Refrigerate for at least one hour to let the mixture get cold and the flavors come together.

Recipe from mommag.com

Orange Lemonade Cooler
2 and 1/2 liters

1 – 12 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate
1 – 12 oz. frozen lemonade concentrate
1 liter of 7UP (or club soda, or lime sparkling water)
1/2 tsp – 1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. almond extract
4 cups water

1.  Mix everything in a large pitcher.  Cool in the fridge.

This recipe originally had you make the lemonade separately, the orange juice separately and then you added 1/3 of the OJ, 1/3 of the lemonade and 1/3 of the 7UP together with a little almond extract and vanilla extract.  I tried to reduce and reuse the previous recipe to recreate this version I had at a Pampered Chef party 10 years ago.  It wasn’t on the Pampered Chef website though.


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