Drinks Pumpkin

Latte – No Machine Required

Pumpkin Latte_4 on Whisk Together

Book Update:  After waiting for 2 months for Veronica Roth’s “Allegiant,” I finally received it from the library.  It was a great series… up until now.  I decided not to buy the book when it came out because of the bad Amazon reviews.  Personally, I find the bad reviews justified.  But hey, I’ll keep reading just to find out what happens!  The first two books were still awesome.

NPR news was interviewing the author of Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending.  That book has been released and next on my list.

Recipe Update:  I like lattes…. but I don’t like the price of the coffee shops around here.  Plus, it isn’t convenient.  I have even tried a couple “espresso” machines with frothing mechanisms to make lattes and cappuccinos… but they never turn out well.  Or they are high maintenance.  This method WORKS.  And of course it works.  It’s from America’s Test Kitchen.   I tried out this idea making a regular latte and pumpkin latte.  At first, I realized after the first sip that I failed to add sugar to my pumpkin latte.  I was expecting more like the coffee shop kind.  But after two sips and realizing I didn’t add sugar, it tasted great.  It tastes good – as long as your expectations are not super sweet.  Why pumpkin?  I know it is peppermint season, but I still love pumpkin  🙂

Previous pumpkin latte recipe

The below photo is the milk in the microwave for the pumpkin version which is why it is orange.

Pumpkin Latte on Whisk Together

coffee (I like mine strong)

1.  I use half coffee and half milk.  So, I fill up my coffee mug halfway with milk.  Pour that into a 1 quart mason jar and put the lid on.  Shake for 30 seconds.  It will get nice and frothy.
2.   Microwave the milk for 1 minute.  I did 1 minute 10 seconds because I used a supersize 12 ounce mug.  I typical 6 ounce mug probably needs more towards 45 seconds.  This depends on the power of your microwave, too.  The milk will bubble and grow.  It’s fun to watch.
3.  Pour the coffee into the coffee mug halfway up while the milk heats up.
4.  Pour the milk slowly into the coffee and spoon the milk foam on top.  Drink and enjoy!

Pumpkin Latte_2 on Whisk Together

Pumpkin Latte
6 oz. milk
1 tablespoon pumpkin puree
1 dash of cinnamon and nutmeg
1 splash of vanilla extract
sugar to taste (1 tablespoon brown sugar) (optional)
6 oz. coffee

1.  I use half coffee and half milk.  So, I fill up my coffee mug halfway with milk.  Pour that into a 1 quart mason jar and put the lid on.  Add the pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla.  Add sugar to taste (optional).  Shake for 30 seconds.  It will get nice and frothy.
2.   Microwave the milk for 1 minute.  I did 1 minute 10 seconds because I used a supersize 12 ounce mug.  I typical 6 ounce mug probably needs more towards 45 seconds.  This depends on the power of your microwave, too.  The milk will bubble and grow.  It’s fun to watch.
3.  Pour the coffee into the coffee mug halfway up while the milk heats up.
4.  Pour the milk slowly into the coffee and spoon the milk foam on top.  Drink and enjoy!

**With this version of pumpkin latte, the bottom is a little gritty from the leftover pumpkin puree fiber.  I know it isn’t ideal.  But considering this was spot on delicious and easy, I just simply toss the last 1/2 ounce of grit down the drain.  I saved myself $5, so I personally think it’s worth it.


  1. i finished allegiant and totally agree with the reviews. i was glad i read it so i knew how the storyline would end, but boy was i disappointed. the first 2 books were great though!

    1. Like seriously awful, wasn’t it? I guess the worst part is that it is 500+ pages. So, you have to read (or in my case skim) through over 500 pages of horrible plot and narrative to find out the ending of the trilogy. I wonder if they will bother with a second or third movie now that the third book is out and has more 1 star reviews than 5 stars.

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