Book Update: I finished “Killing Jesus” and thought it was well worth the read. The historical context of Jesus and his ministry just cannot be brought to life with the bible alone. The authors go into the history of Rome, its emperors, the politics behind the chief priest and Pilate, and the history of the taxation of the Jews at that time. It’s funny because I was talking to a friend about i,t and she said she couldn’t put it down. Me too! Which is weird… because well, you KNOW what happens at the end. It’s like reading a book about the “Titanic” or something.
Recipe Update: As I have mentioned before, I make boxes of cookies and candy every year. Strangely, my favorite cookie of all – the Mexican Wedding Cookie – isn’t even on this website. I probably have more chocolate stuff on here because that’s what people like. Remember to cookie plan, always make the cookies first and the candy last. I love making homemade marshmallows, but I don’t think they would freeze well. But baked cookies freeze excellent! Except for my favorite… the fruit and nut oatmeal cookie… that one frozen in the cookie dough stage forces the allspice to be much more assertive and ruins it for me. But the rest of the cookies ROCK at freezing!
Here are the favorites that most people request:
#1 Rolo Cookies
#1 Shortbread (I get requests a lot a for both)
#4 Fudge
#6 Cookie Glaze (okay, it isn’t a cookie. But all good cookies need a good solid recipe for glazing them.)