Craft time! Need something inexpensive to hand out for neighbor gifts? Class parties? Decorate another gift? This is a craft I received last year and re-created it for you to download and make yourself. I promised to credit Jean and Tammy for making them 🙂 I re-drew to the snowman and sewed more scarves and hats out of old fleece blankets that we do not use any more. Felt would work just as well and is sold at craft stores like Michael’s. Fleece is sold at most any fabric store.
What you will need per Snowman:
plain white copy paper
1 candy bar the same height as the Hershey milk chocolate bar 1.55 oz.
1 small piece of felt of fleece at least 14″ long
optional markers, colored pencils, etc.
transparent adhesive tape (e.g. Scotch tape)
twine or embroidery floss or narrow ribbon
1. Download the printable. Snowman Candy Bar Printable
Print on plain copy paper. Cut along the solid line. Fold in half and cut on the folded line (cutting it in the middle). You will have two snowmen.
2. Color the snowman with colored pencils or markers or just leave blank.
3. Wrap around the chocolate bar. Secure with a piece of tape.
4. Cut a piece of fleece or felt 14″ by 1/2″. Cut 1″ section on both ends to make the scarf look frayed.
5. Sew a 4″x6″ piece of fleece to create a tube. Sew it together on the 4″ side.
6. Cut 1″ slits into the top to make the hat look frayed. Take a piece of twine or string and tie a bow 1″ from the top.
7. Wrap scarf around the snowman.
8. Put the hat on his head. Add embellishments if you wish!