
Fall Fabric Wreath

Fall Rag Wreath on Whisk Together-4913

Book:  Our bible study was talking about “serving” this past weekend which is funny because I’ve also been reading Bob Goff’s bestselling book “Love Does.”  It is a fantastic book about loving people and doing something about it.  The chapters are 2 pages each and only little 5 minute stories.  He spoke at our MOPS Convention while carrying a giant silver bucket.  Why?  My son’s school introduced a concept called “Fill someone’s bucket.”  Basically, we all have a bucket.  It is filled or emptied by what others say or do to us.  When we act or say something positive to someone else, we are filling their bucket.  Simultaneously, you are filling your own bucket, too!  Because we feel good making others feel good.  When we make others feel bad, you are emptying their bucket.  We feel bad when our bucket is empty — drained of energy.  In contrast, filling your bucket and other buckets to the brim in good sayings and deeds — gives you energy.

I believe the bottom line is that when you help other people, you are helping yourself.  It reminds me of the story of Bob the Streetcat.  If you haven’t read or seen the youtube video, it is pretty cute.  This London man, James Bowen, was at the bottom of the barrel.  He was trying to break his habit of drug use, living in low or no income housing, no future and living on the streets for money and food.  Then this ginger cat found him and wouldn’t leave his side.  James Bowen stopped thinking about James Bowen’s needs and started thinking outward – about what Bob needed.  He focused away from himself and on another creature.  As a result, James’ happiness increased, then his income, then his fame.   Or fame then income….  Whatever the case.  Happiness, then success.  Not the other way around.

Fall Rag Wreath on Whisk Together-4915

Craft:  I have quite a few more Fall recipes still to post, but I just had to post this super duper cute fabric wreath that we made at our MOPS meeting a couple weeks ago.  It cost very little in money to make and you may even have everything to make it already in your house!  How cool is that?  I think I want to make a different one for every month of the year.  A green one for March, a red/pink one for Febrauary, pastels for April, etc.

Notes about fabric:  This wreath will look best of course with coordinating fabric.  The least expensive I could find quickly was Joann’s Quilter’s Showcase.  It is 40% off almost all of the time, or you can get coupons online.  The colors are current with the season and I found the fabric a nice quality.

In order to keep the cost down, I purchased half the fabric from the quilter’s showcase and half muslin.  I picked the off-white muslin with flecks in it since that seemed more fall-ish.  The white muslin would be pretty with Christmas or Valentine’s I think.

The wire hangers are cheap or free.  Alternatively, you can do a larger and fuller wreath using a wreath form.  The least expensive one is a 18″ wreath form at Dollar Tree.

Wreath on Whisk Together
(photo credit: Lori Gibson)

To Make for a Large Crowd:  We pre-cut all of the fabric and let everyone choose their own.  Instead of counting 150 pieces for each person, I weighed the fabric and you need 75 grams of strips.  So if you need a quick way to count what to take back to your seat, then all you need is a food scale.  I purchased 6 yards of nice pretty fabric and 6 yards of muslin.  The total cost came to about $3 per person.

What you Need
1 yard of fabric
1 wire hanger
duct/duck tape
optional: 3″ ribbon

How Long It Will Take
1 hour to make and 30 minutes to prep

1.  Cut the fabric into 1″ x 6″ strips.
2.  Take the hanger and unwrap the hook.  It was easier than a thought!  Unwind the wire.  This will be your wreath.
3.  Wrap duck tape around the wire that you just unwrapped.  This will hold it in place.
4.  Shape the wire hanger into a circle at this point.  It is much easier to tweak and shape AFTER the duck tape secures the wire.
5.  Take the fabric pieces and tie each one around the “wreath” wire. Bunch them together and it will look fuller.  At the end, you can move them around and fluff up the fabric.  Don’t worry about it while making it.
6.  Once you have tied all the fabric around the wire, you can fluff it up and twist pieces around.
7.  Tie a ribbon into a bow at the top or bottom.  And/or use the ribbon to secure it to the wreath hook.

Feel free to add your own objects!  My clever friend added that$5 piece from Target to her wreath above and it turned out absolutely beautiful!

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