Candy Party

Lego Man Pops

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Today, several bloggers are posting as part of the Cookies and Crafts Sandy Hook Tribute.  I have very soon to be 6 year old boy.  I can’t even imagine sending him to school one day, and then he doesn’t come home.  Newtown probably isn’t going to read this.  But it will let others know that we are still thinking and praying for them.

My heart goes out to those who will never run home and open their Christmas presents:

Daniel Barden, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Ana M. Marquez-Greene, Dylan Hockley, Madeleine F. Hsu, Catherine V. Hubbard, Chase Kowalski, Jesse Lewis, James Mattioli, Grace McDonnell, Emilie Parker, Jack Pinto, Noah Pozner, Caroline Previdi, Jessica Rekos, Avielle Richman, Benjamin Wheeler, Allison N. Wyatt, Mary Sherlach, Victoria Soto, Anne Marie Murphy, Lauren Rousseau, Dawn Hochsprung, and Rachel Davino

And so, I am sharing a craft/recipe today for those children that love Legos.  We had a lego birthday party this year and I’ll post more ideas about it later.   There are several ways to make these.  But what I like to do is find the cutest, easiest and cheapest way if possible.  I know there are some better ways to do these craft recipes and there is always a special tool to make things.  But, when I know something I have on hand will work – then I use it.

Lego Man Pops

1 regular marshmallow
1 mini marshmallow
1 lollipop stick – I used Wilton’s 6″
yellow candy melts (in the hobby section of Walmart or cake/candy section of the hobby shop)
1 permanent black marker
1 pair of kitchen scissors
1 small lollipop bag – (or they have slightly larger and tapered Wilton clear treat bags that will work, too!)

1.  Cut the mini marshmallow in half using scissors.
2.  Put the regular marshmallow on the stick.  Then, take the 1/2 mini marshmallow and place it on top.  Be careful to try to put it on the stick, but not poke it through the top.
3.  Melt your candy melts.  Dip the marshmallows into the candy and swirl.  Tap it on the side of the bowl to remove the excess.

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4.  Allow to dry.
5.  Now, you can take your baggie and draw a Lego smiley face on it in permanent marker.  Or pay $5.95 for an Americolor Black Food pen.  But are the kids going to care?  Nope.  So, I was happy with the marker idea.  About .75″ from the top and centered seemed to work best for me.  I drew a face on both sides of the bag.  It was a little trial and error, but after a couple bags, I got his face pretty centered.
6.  Place the dry marshmallow man in the bag and twist the bag to keep it airtight. Secure with a twist-tie or bow.

**Below, I tried drawing the face on with black gel paste that I had from decorating cookies.  The problem with the gel is that it never dries.  Once a baggie goes on top, the face will disintegrate.  However, if you plan on leaving these out for the party without putting them in a bag, this may be a good option for you.  I took the gel and put it on a plate.  Using a toothpick, I drew the face directly onto the yellow candy melt and I think it worked well.**
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